Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The School Schedules Are In

I have to take a minute to vent about the kids school schedules, which I got today. I had asked for my kids to have early schedules (here they have am/ pm schedules like they have in Cali for kindergarten - except they are for all the grades thru 6th) because I wanted to be able to keep going to the gym at my normal time which I couldn't do if Brooklyn had pm kindergarten. So what did they do? Gave all my kids pm schedules - except Austin. What the crap is up with that? They obviously knew he was part of the same family since you fill out all your kids on the same request sheet. So I had to go into the office and point out that I have 5 children attending their school and they need to be on the same track. Duh!! Double Duh!! Unfortunately they are going to switch Austin, cause of course it is easier to switch one than the other 4. So my kids go to school at 9:15 and Brooklyn goes at 12:30. At least they all get out at 3:30 and can ride the bus home together. I guess the one good thing is the way the kids classrooms are laid out from each other. They make a C pattern. Hailey is at the back of the school. So she will get Camren, then they will go get Austin, then they will go get Brooklyn, then they will go get Tyler. That is a rule that I have. They have to wait at their classes and get each other and no one gets on the bus unless they have everyone. I don't want only some of my kids coming home.
The one thing that I love is the bus. At our other house, the kids had to walk about a mile to get to the bus stop (yes I am mean and made them walk, by themselves) and here the bus picks up 2 houses down from us. Yay! Well, I will take them the first week. I always drop off/ pick up my kids the first week til they are confident they can find their way to their classes themselves. Also gives me time to chat with the teachers and make sure they (and by they, I mean Tyler and Austin) are behaving themselves. Since my kids totally love the bus (something they didn't get to do in CA cause you have to pay like $300 per child. Hello! The school was around the corner from my house!! Literally 3 min. there and back to drive.) I use it as a reward. If you are behaving at school and doing all your work, you get to ride the bus. If not, you have to be taken/ picked up by mom so she can talk to your teacher. Totally works. Had waaaay less problems with Tyler last year than we did in CA. Yay for me being creative. If only they knew that them riding the bus is MY reward cause I don't have to get up early or get dressed. Haha!

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