Thursday, June 3, 2010

Party Pics

So, a little after birthday party post. I had a bunch of fun stuff planned for the day. First, while he was at work we decorated the house and porch, and I made carrot cake. When he got home, we surprised him and had cake and presents. He loved the 2 terabyte external hard drive that I got him, and he was totally surprised and didn't suspect anything. I arranged like a week ahead of time, for my ex sis in law to watch the kids, and John and I went to Tucanos and then went to see 'How To Train Your Dragon" in 3D. I know some people may think that's dorky, but it was actually really good and nothing else in the theater sounded good, or it was rated R. Anyway, it was fun to get to go out alone on a date for once.

Porch all decorated (ignore the Christmas lights. haha)

Ready to open presents.

Yay, the external hard drive I wanted!

Hamming it up like a dork.

Attacking the cake.

He really did take a bite out of the corner. Haha! He was totally hamming it up the whole time. I took tons of pictures, too many to post here, and even though he acted like his birthday wasn't a big deal I could tell that he was totally soaking up all the attention. I swear men are just over sized little boys. :)

John's Birthday - Car Pics

Here are some pics of what I did to John's car. I had fun doing it, and even though he said he thought it was dorky/embarrassing, I could tell that he really did enjoy it and just didn't want to admit it.

John's 33 Today

Today is my husband's birthday. He turned 33. I have been torturing him the last few days about how he is getting so old. haha! Today is going to be so fun because he totally thinks I don't have anything planned. I started last night by getting a car marker, and writing all over his car windows. I put Happy Birthday, and Honk! It's My Birthday Today, Birthday Boy, and I Love You all over all the windows. Then I got a big bag of balloons and blew them up and filled his car with them. I hope he liked it. I haven't gotten to talk to him today, 'cause he's been in surgery (working) all day. I also have fun planned for tonight. I am SOO excited because he has NO idea!! I have overheard him tell several people that he didn't think we were doing anything and that as far as he knew I didn't have anything planned. That's right, as far as he knows. Hahaha! I have had a babysitter lined up for like a week, and we are going to dinner and a movie sans kids. I am super excited. 1 - because he has NO idea, and 2 - because we rarely, if ever, get a night out alone. I also bought him an external hard drive he has been wanting to get for a while. He tried to buy it a couple weeks ago while we were at the store and I had to be like NO! let's just wait a while longer and think about it! Ugh, so close!
Anyway, I also made carrot cake (which is cooling so I can decorate it) and I got Happy Birthday decorations to put up before he gets home. The kids are cleaning right now to get ready to decorate, since he gets off in a couple hours. I figured we will do cake and stuff with him when he gets off work, and then Jessica (my babysitter/ex sister in law) will get here in time for us to leave at 5. I am thinking of going to Tucanos and then hitting the movie theater that is nearby. I still plan on taking Hayden, since he thinks he needs a boob all the time, but I am hoping to just take him to dinner and then drop him off before the movie so he can go to bed. We'll see how that goes. He is hard to part with, for me not him. Haha!
I hope that he has a great birthday today. I have been working on it for a while. I love him so much and I am so glad that we are together. He makes me happy, and always has me laughing.