Friday, May 23, 2008

Getting a Little Racy Here

I totally had a good laugh this morning. Why you might ask? Because I was surfin' and lurkin' on others blogs, like I like to do, and I came across this post on the Ten Cow Wives blog:
Racy Relief Society February 6, 2007

I heard from my Mom that there was a Q & A session with the Bishop at church and someone asked a question about sex games! Makes me glad I am in primary.
I was wondering if it was one of you. My Mom thinks that is couldn’t possibly be any of her “Silver Streaks” ladies, so it has to be someone I know! Joann thinks it was Norma Nausin.
Who do you think it was? Was it you?
Why is that so funny? Because the person that asked is. . . . ME!! It was SO funny to be reading blogs and then come across a post about something I said over a year ago! Here is what I posted as my comment:
Haha! It was me that asked! It is so funny that you put that on here and I happened to find it! I asked if it was ok to have sex toys or to play games or whatever. I asked because I have friends that have them or do that, and I wondered if that was ok. My mom said it was bad and that people should never have/do those things. I thought, if it’s not degrading and it’s just to bring you closer together or encourage you to be more intimate when that area is lacking, then it should be ok, right? I’m glad that the bishop was so candid, and if he wasn’t someone that I have known my whole life, I don’t know if I would have had the guts to ask. I agree that the main purpose of sex is for children, but it is also to bring couples together and I think that as long as you don’t cross the line into it just being for fun or entertainment, instead of the emtional connection between husband and wife, as the bishop said, then it is between you and your spouse what you do. Hope you all enjoyed that!
So I hope you all enjoyed my first "racy" post on my new blog and have a great day!

1 comment:

Janelle said...

I tell you what Michele that is funny! Hey at least it gave us somehting to talk about later, I love a good story!