My husband says all the time that I don't have a schedule or practice any time management. He thinks that because I'm just sitting at the house (not kidding) so how could I not get everything done that I need to every day. Well, I just don't feel like I need to be slaving away every second I am awake. I want to enjoy my day too. Here is my "schedule". Let's see what you think.
7am - Alarm goes off. Think about how horrified I am that it is still dark outside and that I am still sooo tired. Go back to sleep.
8 am - Get up for real.
8 - 840am - Wake up the 4 older kids. Make sure they get dressed, clean their rooms, make their beds, and straighten up any messes they have left around the house from the night before. Load them on the bus and off to school. (They eat breakfast at school - major morning stress reducer!)
840 - 10am - Get Brooklyn and Amelia dressed. Strip Amelia's bed if I need to (We are in the middle of night training. Days are done. Yay!) and throw sheets in the wash. Get the girls breakfast. Check all my email accounts, facebook, myspace, friends blogs, etc. while the girls are eating. Eat breakfast myself if I feel like it.
10 - 11am - Do quick straightening up of house. Take out something for dinner if I need to (ie. meat that needs to thaw). Make sure Brooklyn knows where her backpack and shoes are (daily problem here -esp. the shoes) and put them by the front door.
11am - 12pm - Make lunch for the girls. Eat something if I feel like it. While they are eating, take a shower. After they are done eating, let them watch cartoons (about 30 min.) while I get dressed, do hair, etc.
12 - 1pm - Get Brooklyn ready and out the door to the bus. Get Amelia cleaned up from lunch. Put Amelia down for a nap (or attempt to, depending on the day). Sometimes, instead of nap time we go hang out at Robyn's house for a couple hours.
1 - 330pm - Do any real cleaning around the house (ie. vacuuming, scrubbing). Fold any laundry I have while watching my shows I dvr'ed from the night before while the kids were still awake. Run any loads of laundry I have. If Amelia is not napping, I will run any errands I have while I only have 1 kid home.
330 - 8pm - Check email for a few minutes. Eat something for lunch. 5 older kids get home from school. John gets home from work (usually right after the kids). Kids finish any chores they have that are undone. Start homework and reading time. Run any errands with John that we need to do together. Start dinner. Feed John and the kids dinner. Kids do their kitchen chores. Get the kids jammied, teeth brushed and in bed.
8 - 10pm - Finally sit down and eat dinner. (Sometimes I eat with everyone, depending on how crazy the evening is). Sit around and relax with John for a little while. Maybe do some cleaning. Maybe some reading or watch a movie together (ie. me watching it while he sleeps on the couch next to me).
10pm - 12am - Play on the computer. Answer any emails. Do my food journal for my online group. Check out and craigslist. Plan any things I have to do tomorrow. Think about what I want to do for dinner tomorrow, in case I need to get anything the next day. Take it out then, if I want to do a homemade freezer meal, so it can thaw.
12 -1am - Finally go to bed. I have a real hard time falling asleep, so sometimes it's not til 2am.
Repeat the next day.
Well, that's what I do in a day. Give or take, depending on the day. The last couple days I have been painting some furniture for a friend (table, chairs, buffet) and the kids have been out of school. That always throws me off. Well I better get back on track, and get some stuff done before lunch time.
I think it's a man thing. They assume sometimes that just because you are "home" that you aren't doing much.
You are ONE busy lady, thats for sure. You go girl!
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