Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Part 1 - Dressing Up

This morning the kids got all dressed up for their Halloween parties at school. (Well, except Amelia who's not in school, but I did let her wear her costume to Wal-Mart.) Tyler and Hailey were nurses because they wanted to be like their dad (say it with me, awwww). Austin was Buzz Lightyear, Camren was Peter Pan (and made the cutest most perfect one you ever saw), Brooklyn was Sleeping Beauty (the costume was to big, but I let her wear it anyway because she wanted to wear it so bad) and Amelia was - of course - Cinderella. For Amelia and Brooklyn, it wasn't any different than any other day, because they probably wear those dresses 3 out of 7 days a week. I don't normally let them wear them out of the house though. Anyway, the kids are super excited because tonight I am having my best friend Emily and her kids, Hailey's best friend Mya and her twin (Austin's friend) David, Hailey's friend Aubrey and Robyn and Joe (and Henry) over for a Halloween party. So I have a lot of final shopping and cooking to do. I'll be back later with party pics.

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