Saturday, July 5, 2008

Camren turns 6!

Ok. My husband finally found the cord for the camera. It was in the laundry room. Of course, because that is where it goes, right? So I will now do a post about Camren's birthday, which was the 1st. I can't believe that he is now 6!! Next month he starts 1st grade!

Here is the birthday boy waiting to open presents. He got some great stuff like new shoes, some airplane stencils and a hula hoop. He had fun visiting with his Aunt Robyn and cousin Henry, and Lily (Robyn's niece from Joe's side of the family). Grandma Sandy (my ex's mom) came too. The kids had a blast playing, but of course, their favorite part was the cake.

The cake was great. Chocolate with cherry filling. Camren had a Spongebob birthday, so of course he got an awesome cake that had a bendy Spongebob on top to play with later. Fun!

Here are all the kids (along with Robyn and Henry - far left, and Lily - far right) enjoying their cake. They had a great time and so did I.

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