I have to divide up the posts about Avery's blessing because I have a ton of pictures, but I also wanted to include this post. After her blessing, a friend of mine came up and said that she had written down some things from Avery's blessing. She said that she had always wished that she had done that with her kids (So had I!) and that she just happened to have a piece of paper and pen in her lap from something else she was working on for Primary. So when John started to bless her, she started writing it down. I am going to save the original paper she gave me to put in her scrapbook, but here is what she wrote down (it's paraphrased from the blessing, not word for word):
- Bless you with a desire and strength to learn about Heavenly Father and gain a testimony of him.
- That you will learn to love the Gospel.
- That you will grow and be a good example to others.
- That you will have the desire to serve a full time mission
- Strive to serve.
- That you will meet a righteous LDS man, and be sealed for time and all eternity.
- As you grow, be successful in life so you can be with Heavenly Father and Savior again.
- Health and Strength
- We love you very much
- We are proud that you chose to come to our family to gain a body.
Her blessing was beautiful. I am so proud of John for doing such a good job, and thankful that my friend had the presence of mind to write it down for me. I think it would have been cool to have a copy of mine to read, so I am excited that I have this for her to read when she is older.
“Every member of the church of Christ having children is to bring them unto the elders before the church, who are to lay their handsupon them in the name of Jesus Christ, and bless them in his name."
Doctrine and Covenants 20:70
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