Friday, June 27, 2008

Freaking Out - As Usual

Ok, so I got an email from my vocal coach and now I am freaking out. Why? Because AI tryouts are not in August like I thought they would be, they are next month. On July 29th. In 4 weeks. I think I am going to have a nervous breakdown. I was sure it would be the middle to end of August, so I was all prepared that I was going to be able to lose enough weight to not look like a total looser if I try out. Now I am trying to think of how much I could work out/ lose in 4 weeks. I also haven't made a song choice. I have a lesson with my coach next Wednesday to go over song choices and make a final decision. I also realized that I was wrong about the age limit. It says ages 16 - 28, so this is really the only year that I could try out. I guess if I didn't make it, I can always do Nashville Star since they don't have an age limit and that's what genre I sing anyway.

In other news, I had my last group class on Wednesday. It went great. We did a different format this time. We all performed one after the other without giving any immediate feedback. Instead we all took notes on different papers for each person and read them afterwards and then they could take them home. It was much faster and we didn't run over an hour like we usually do. Usually we sing, then feedback, then sing again, then any final feedback, then on to the next person. I loved taking the class and I am starting a new one on the 8th. It is called Vocal Athletics. It incorporates physical exercises that relate specifically to vocal strength and stamina. Basicall it is getting in shape while doing vocal exercises that strengthen your voice. I am totally excited to take the class, especially since most of the people from my other class are taking it too.

I am getting so frustrated with my husband I feel like strangling him. He sits here and complains at me for over 3 years about not trying out, and now he wants to complain that my classes and sessions with my vocal coach are costing him money. Well, duh. I have to be at the top of my game. I am a 28 year old, overweight, sahm of 6 competing against young hot teenagers. I am at the top of their age limit. What does he expect. That I can just pick some song and walk in there with no professional preparation? When I have major death stage fright and I feel like I am going to faint and die singing in front of people? Get real. The whole point of all the classes and stuff is that it makes me lesss scared and makes me feel like I can do it and not die. So I guess we shall see with that. If he is going to have an issue with the classes, I'm not doing it. I am not going to half ass (sorry) something because he wants to save a buck and embarass my self. Sorry I am all over the place. I am stressed right now.

In non-singing news, I have enjoyed having my mom stay with me since Monday. My dad had to go out of town to Florida and so he gave me my mom so that we could hang out while he was out of town. He gets in today and so do Jacob and Natalie. Yay! They are here for Henry's blessing Sunday. He is such a cutie, I can't take it! I just want to squeeze him, but he is only 6 weeks old so I will just kiss him to death for now. :)

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