Friday, April 10, 2009

This Is What We Do With Naughty Kids

We have a huge roll of industrial plastic wrap (for when we move), and Em and I tried using it to cover the dining room table. After we gave up on that (totally didn't work) Hailey thought she would grab the pieces off the table and wrap Martha in them. Em and I decided that was a great idea. So she rounded up Hailey, Martha, Corlie and Brooklyn and I wrapped them with the actual roll of plastic. It was hard to do 'cause the roll was so heavy and awkward, but it was fun to have them all wrapped up and captive. We decided next time we should do all the kids, then we can just go stick them in the other room and then have the night to ourselves. Now that's a plan!

Hmm. Martha doesn't seem too impressed.

Me wrapping up the kids.

Help! Let us out!

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