Thursday, March 3, 2011

And then there were 8

So I thought this warranted it's own post, instead of being lumped in with the family update. Our family is expecting another baby on September 14th. I am officially 12 weeks, as of yesterday. It was funny when John and I found out that we were going to have another September baby. Both Amelia and Hayden (our 2 kids together) were born in September, and this baby is due smack in the middle of their two birthdays. I told him I guess we really like to have babies in September.

This is the cake we used to tell the kids. They were all excited. Well, except Hayden, who had no idea what was going on. It took John and I a while to get used to the idea, but I think it is finally starting to sink in. After past experiences I have had, I will be more excited once I have the ultrasound where we find out what we're having, and I can see that the baby is ok. Ever since William died, I am always paranoid when I am not far enough to feel the baby move and know that he is ok. Even though I have had 3 more babies since then, I worry that something's wrong and I just don't know it because I'm not far enough along to feel the baby moving all the time. Even then, I still can't relax until I have that baby in my arms and I know they are here and ok. Ok, enough of that. I am trying to be positive and tell myself everything will be ok and I am excited for this baby. It would be nice to have another girl, since we are currently 4/3 with boys winning, but honestly I really hope it is a boy. Hayden is only 18 months, and his closest brother is 8. It would be really nice for him to have a brother close in age to him. Either way, I am just happy he will have a sibling close to him, since Amelia is 4 years older.


Emma said...

Yes and you better tell me when you know what you are having.
Miss you love ya

Unknown said...

Congratulations on the new little blessing! Thank you for singing up to follow my blog! I am now following you too and I look forward to your updates.
